Position: Junior Software Developer / part-time / full-time /
Who are we looking for?
New colleague to help us with various SW projects for our clients mainly in the IoT segment.
How to apply
Send you CV and short summary of projects you’ve worked on so far to job@ambitas.org
Tech requirements
Must-have: JavaScript [must]
Node.js + React.js
Work with databases - NoSQL [preferred]
Software development for electronics and communication with peripherals through various protocols
Experience with ARM and AVR architecture
Basic knowledge of electrotechnical principles
Python - writing short scripts for controlling the electronics and work simplification
Experience with GraphQL
Personal requirements
Team player [in small team ~4ppl]
Manual dexterity and skills
Group B driver's license (preferred)
How is the hiring process conducted
Send the CV as required to job@ambitas.org
Personal interview with the team
Test Assignment
Evaluation / Job offer
Test assignment
We will let you expand the existing firmware by reading data from a new sensor and then sending
this data to a ready-made API. Your task will be also to create a simple SPA using the React.js
framework, which will be used to visualize the measured data in a graph and table.