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Studies - IMG_0424-2


At FEI STU, you can choose from a wide range of study programs, from computer science, automation, and robotics to electronics, electrical engineering, power engineering, physics, space engineering, and much more. 

Life at FEI STU

At our faculty, it's alive! We begin with matriculation, continue with the popular event FEIstival. We connect students with the industry at the Career Day FEI JobFair and at Business Breakfasts. Our building houses a pool, gyms and a climbing wall.

Life at fei stu - život na FEI STU
Research and  projects - IMG_0643

Research and projects

The mission of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava is primarily to provide high-quality university education at all levels based on independent scientific research and creative research work.

Study What Interests You

99 %
graduates apply
2940 €
average salary of a graduate after 5 years of experience
education of electrical engineer in Slovakia